What Does it Mean to Heal?

Healing is not only physical and of the body, it is emotional and of the mind as well. Emotional and mental healing is when we can let go of the things in life that are holding us back. These things can be incidents from our childhood, regrets and relationships in the past, things that we would rather not recall, yet our minds keep turning them over and over and forcing us to re-call and re-suffer the situation. 

True emotional and mental healing happens when we take our power back.

When we decide that we have the power and that people and situations in the past can not hurt us any more. 

Healing is when we have awakened the beauty that exists within each and every one of us and is when we realise that we are beautiful beings that are capable of living the lives that we desire….and that we deserve.

Healing is not a one-off, do the course and it’s all fine……..true healing requires firstly, the tools to engineer change and awakening of the concept that allow you to heal and secondly, habitual dedication and empowerment.

We all wear masks that have served us through childhood, adolescence and through into adulthood.

True healing requires the taking off of these masks, in an ambience of unconditional love and honesty and releasing oneself from the habits built up over a lifetime. Healing is letting go of the past, without recriminations, fully supported in the knowledge that it will never again hurt you. It is loving and being loved unconditionally. It is also being aware that you are no longer shaped by the past…..and that there is only the present.

Impossible? Not at all. It simply requires the willingness to show up consistently and get the work done, regularly. It is all totally possible. 

Healing also means forgiving.

And, in that forgiveness is forgiveness of oneself. Valuing oneself and treating oneself with kindness and respect. Knowing also, that although flawed, you are perfect. 

It’s having the courage to face the past and letting it go to embrace the present. Detaching from people and situations that no longer serve our highest good. Knowing that to wallow in self-pity, jealousy and anger serves no suitable end and deciding to move forward into the light of unconditional love.

And, when you arrive at this place of love and light….you will realise that you have had the power inside yourself all along and that you were never ‘broken’ and never not capable of living into the truth of what you desire and deserve, in your life.



#Abundance #Attractmore #ReganHillyer


Want to know more? #Askregan


And remember…

You Absolutely Can Have it all

and you can give back as well.

Regan x

